Intel Locations
We've put together an awesome Intel Locations guide as part of our complete Black Ops guide.
Each Intel Location is spotted with an individual video and text description of how to collect it
Unlock 'Sympathy for the Devil' on Nuketown
If you shoot ALL of the heads off the two dozen or so mannequins that spawn in random positions every round in the Multiplayer map 'Nuketown' the Rolling Stones classic 'Sympathy for the Devil' will play for the rest of the match.
Multiplayer Bonuses
When you reach the indicated Level/Prestige the corresponding bonus will become available.
Create A Class:
Reach Level 4
Reach Level 5
Clan Tag:
Reach Level 6
Game Mode Challenges:
Reach Level 8
Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems:
Reach Level 10
Combat Record:
Reach Level 13
Medal Challenges:
Reach Level 15
Gun Emblems:
Reach Level 16
Gun Tag:
Reach Level 19
Elite Challenges:
Reach Level 20
Reach Level 22
Custom Reticules:
Reach Level 25
Custom Lenses:
Reach Level 28
Final Challenges:
Reach Level 30
Reach Level 31
Prestige Mode:
Reach Level 50
Prestige Leaderboard, Custom Class 6:
Reach Prestige 1
Custom Class 7:
Reach Prestige 3
Custom Class 8:
Reach Prestige 5
Custom Class 9:
Reach Prestige 7
Custom Class 10:
Reach Prestige 9
Face Tattoos:
Reach Prestige 11
Clan Tag Colors:
Reach Prestige 13
Golden Camo:
Reach Prestige 14
Prestige Playlists:
Reach Prestige 15
Cheat Mode
The following procedure involves editing a game file so it is advised that you create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Locate the 'config.cfg' file in the 'players' directory in the game folder and use a text editor to change the value of the seta monkeytoy '1' line to seta monkeytoy '0'. Save the file and change its attributes to read-only. Then press the '~' (tilde) key at 'Main' menu to display the console window and enter one of the following case sensitive codes to start at the corresponding map.
Kino Der Toten:
/devmap zombie_theater
/devmap zombie_pentagon
When the map has loaded press the '~' (tilde) key again to display the console window and enter one of the following codes (without the quotes) to activate the corresponding effect.
God Mode:
Type '/god'
Type '/demigod'
Type '/give ammo'
No Clipping Mode:
Type '/noclip'
Flight Mode:
Type '/ufo'
Extra Weapons:
Type '/give all'
Set Player Speed:
Type '/g_speed '
Unlimited Ammunition:
Type '/player_sustainammo 1'
Show Framerate:
Type 'cg_drawfps 1'
Login to the Dreamland Server (Usernames and Passwords)
Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and enter the case sensitive command 'rlogin' (without the quotes). When prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access enter the following usernames and passwords to continue.
Login as Robert Oppen:
Username: roppen
Password: trinity
Login as Vannevar Bush:
Username: vbush
Password: majestic1
Terminal Codes (Usernames and Passwords)
Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and type the case sensitive command 'login' (without the quotes). You will then be prompted to login with an account. Enter the following usernames and passwords. You can then access their documents with the 'dir' command or email with the 'mail' command.
Bruce Harris
Username: bharris
Password: goskins
D. King
Username: dking
Adrienne Smith
Username: asmith
Password: roxy
Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush
Password: manhattan
Frank Woods
Username: fwoods
Password: philly
Grigori 'Greg' Weaver
Username: gweaver
Password: gedeon
J. Turner
Username: Jturner
Password: condor75
Jason Hudson
Username: jhudson
Password: bryant1950
John McCone
Username: jmccone
Password: berkley22
Joseph Bowman
Username: jbowman
Password: uwd
John F. Kennedy
Username: jfkennedy
Password: lancer
Lyndon B. Johnson
Username: lbjohnson
Password: ladybird
Richard Nixon
Username: rnixon
Password: checkers
Richard Helms
Username: rhelms
Password: lerosey
Richard Kain
Username: rkain
Password: sunwu
Ryan Jackson
Username: rjackson
Password: saintbridget
T. Walker
Username: twalker
Password: radi0
Terrance Brooks
Username: tbrooks
Password: lauren
William Raborn
Username: wraborn
Password: bromlow
The following is a list of the perks in the game and their corresponding effect.
Tier 1
Flak Jacket:
Reduces explosive damage
Flak Jacket Pro:
Deflect fire damage, and safely toss back grenades
Get ammo from fallen enemies
Scavenger Pro:
Start with extra magazines, and get grenades from fallen enemies
Harline Pro:
Change the contents of a Care Package
Undetectable by the Spy Plane and Blackbird
Ghost Pro:
Undetectable by aircraft, IR scopes, Sentry Guns, and no red cross hair on your name when targeted
Killstreaks require one less kill
Move faster
Lightweight Pro:
No fall damage
Tier 2
Hold breath longer
Scout Pro:
Switch weapons faster
Sleight Of Hand:
Faster reloads
Bullets penetrate better
Hardened Pro:
Increased bullet damage to killstreaks and less aiming recoil when shot
Equip two attachments to your primary weapon
Warlord Pro:
Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade (except Willy Pete)
Sleight Of Hand Pro:
ADS with all weapons, except sniper rifles
Steady Aim:
Increased hip-fire accuracy
Steady Aim Pro:
Faster ADS after sprinting
Tier 3
Longer sprint
Marathon Pro:
Unlimited duration
Silent movement
Tactical Mask:
Protects against Nova Gas
Tactical Mask Pro:
Reduces the effects of flash and concussion grenades
Ninja Pro:
Make no noise, and hear ALL enemies louder
Second Chance:
Ability to use your pistol before dying
Second Chance Pro:
Survive longer, and get revived by teammates
Ability to detect enemy equipment and explosives
Hacker Pro:
Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly
Cheat Mode
To be able to access early unlockables and hidden features in the game escape from the chair at the 'Title' screen and move around to the area behind the chair to find an old computer terminal that you can type one of the following case sensitive codes (without the quotes) to enable the corresponding effect.
Unlock ALL Missions, 'Five' Zombie Mode Mission, Dead Ops Arcade Game, Zork Game:
Enter '3arc Unlock' as a code.
Unlock ALL Intel:
Enter '3arc Intel' as a code.
Display ALL Commands:
Enter 'help' as a code. This displays a list of system commands in the terminal and Pentagon user e-mail access.
Unlock Dead Ops Arcade Game:
Enter 'DOA' as a code. This feature is a zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV.
Unlock Zork Game:
Enter 'ZORK' as a code.
Killstreak Bonuses
When you get the following number of kills in Multiplayer mode the corresponding bonus will become available.
3 kills (strapped with explosives remote control car)
Spy Plane:
3 kills (on the mini-map shows enemies; can be shot down)
SAM Turret:
4 kills (airdrop a placeable SAM turret to destroy enemy aircraft)
Counter Spy Plane:
4 kills (temporarily disables enemy mini-map)
Care Package:
5 kills (airdrop a random killstreak or ammo crate)
Napalm Strike:
5 kills (aircraft covers an area in Napalm)
Sentry Gun:
6 kills (airdrop a placeable Sentry Gun)
Mortar Team:
6 kills (target 3 locations to bombard with Mortar Strikes)
Valkyrie Rockets:
7 kills (launcher with remote controlled rockets)
Attack Helicopter:
7 kills (call in support helicopter)
Rolling Thunder:
8 kills (carpet bombing airstrike)
8 kills (on the mini-map shows both enemy position and direction; cannot be shot down)
Chopper Gunner:
9 kills (be the gunner of an attack helicopter)
11 kills (pilot an attack helicopter)
Attack Dogs:
11 kills (attack dogs that hunt down the enemy)
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